Dear Worthington Kilbourne High School Family,
Have you ever taken the time to really “dig deep” into your thoughts to better understand “WHY” you do what you do? Why are you a teacher? Why are you a doctor? Why are you a secretary?
Why are you a hairdresser? Why are you a parent?
Why do you do what you do?
What is your purpose and why does it matter?
We started our 2016-17 school year with this conversation starting at our District Convocation and continuing throughout the school year. During the month of October, I challenged our staff to take the time to dialogue with one another and then to actually document their “WHY?” on a piece of paper. They could hand write this statement, use pictures or even quotes to describe their purpose. This assignment was just turned in last week and I am elated with the results although not surprised. Here are just a few of the responses:
“To create a school environment and culture that sets up equal opportunities for ALL students to succeed in school and in adulthood-not just those students who are gifted or born into privilege. ANYONE can change the world.”
“It’s all about the kids and their future, and the preservation of our democracy.”
“Because I love what I do and the students keep me coming back every day to do it all over again.”
“To help build healthy bodies for healthy minds.”
“To make a positive impact on someone’s well-being.”
“I am passionate about empowering my students and helping to make their lives happier and healthier.”
“If you do what you love (working with our youth), you’ll never work a day in your life.”
“I teach because it isn’t about having power over is having the power to help giving a hand up and not a handout.”
As we approach the Thanksgiving season, these words from our WKHS Staff made me dig a little deeper into my purpose or my why. As I did this, I realized that I am where I am today because of the difference others have made in my life. It was necessary for me to take some time to do what I should do more often and that is to thank those people in my life who have helped me to grow and achieve. We didn’t get to where we are without the help and guidance of others. Often times, our life purpose is sparked from others. Those outside influences, which could certainly be the educators or coaches in our lives, make a difference in the minds of our impressionable youth.
During this season of “THANKS”, I encourage you to take the time to reflect on your purpose and give thanks to those that have guided you through the process. We are so fortunate to live in a community that supports each other and puts our students first in what we do each and every day.
Thanks for all that you do for our school community. Wishing you a Thanksgiving Holiday Season full of rich conversation and personal connections with family and friends.
Your WKHS Principal,
Angie Adrean