A Message from Principal Adrean to the WKHS Community
Dear WKHS Family, September 2014
Last year during this same time, I started writing our September Newsletter and posed the question, “Is it possible that the opening of a new school year can get better and better every August?” Well, I can now answer with much confidence after being here 3 years and now starting my 4th year. The answer is, “YES!” This answer is attributed to the collaborative work of our parents, our teachers and staff, and our students.
Although the work of our parent led Landscape committee is on-going, they certainly put in more time and effort this Summer, and “YES”, our school was ready in August. Grants were written for the removal of 20 plus year old shrubs and trees and were replaced with new hosta, burning bush, evergreens and lilies. Trees were trimmed and new mulch was laid in several areas around our building. Sidewalks were edged and excess trash and litter were gathered to add the finishing touches to our building, which we all consider our second home. A “shout-out” to all of our parents, teachers, students and community members who helped make this happen.

Our teachers worked throughout the Summer to plan and prepare classroom lessons plans that are rigorous, engaging, and differentiated for all learners. And “YES”, a few of these teachers even took the initiative to learn more about our High School Orientation and Transition Program called LINK. These teachers and student leaders received extensive training that develops their skills as well as provides them with a vision of what it means to be a leader. Link Crew provides an opportunity for students from numerous social groups to have a common goal and purpose, thus diminishing stereotypes that can unfortunately exist in our world. Our goal at WKHS is to make sure our incoming Freshmen students feel welcomed, accepted and connected. This sense of connectedness strongly influences a child’s academic success. A “shout-out” to our Link Advisors Mrs. Nancy Smith, Mrs. Lauren Glaros and Mrs. Ellen Clark and to our Student Link Crew Leaders (90 Junior and Senior students).

The most important attribution to this “YES” answer is our students. They are the reason we do what we do and the reason we are motivated to come to WKHS. As the adults, we can do all of these things to help make the learning environment the best that it can be, but in the end, the students have the choice as to whether they will learn and grow. The students at WKHS make the choice to do just that...Learn and Grow (and have Fun when doing it).
We talk a lot as a staff about how fortunate we are to be a part of such a strong community. A “shout-out” to our students for making your academics priority, keeping it “klassy,” and for taking care of each other at all times. We value you and the spirit that you bring to our high school.
We believe in our work as educators and hope that you are pleased with what Worthington Kilbourne High School has to offer your child. Our teachers and staff are some of the hardest working professionals I know, but we also know we can’t do it without your support. Thanks for all that you have done and continue to do for our school. There is no substitute for passion and commitment, which you give every day to your children and to our school to make it the great place that it is to learn and grow.
Let’s continue to say “YES” together for the success of our WKHS Family!
“Make Memories…”
Angie Adrean, WKHS Principal